Danske bidrag til ESPEN 2022

Danske bidrag til ESPEN 2022 kongressen.

Vi har her på siden samlet de danske posters/abstracts, som giver et indblik i den ernæringsforskning, der bliver gennemført rundt om i landet.

Danske posters/abstracts:  




C. V. Andersen et al.

Catheter related venous thrombosis in intestinal failure. A 5 year retrospective cohort study

A. M. Beck et al.

Nutritional risk and nutritional interventions
to older patients prescribed exercise

M. G. P. Edwards et al.

Diet induced ketosis in brain injured adult patients in the subacute phase is feasible

E. Engelstrup et al.

Observational (feasibility) study of nutritional problems in lung, pancreatic and colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

L. Geisler et al.

Nutritional intervention makes strong COPD rehabilitation patients

S. M. Hansen et al.

Nutritional gap when transferring from the ICU to regular wards – a retrospective, cross-sectional study

A. W. Knudsen et al.

Age, BMI, nutritional risk and nutrition impact symptoms are related to 2-months mortality in patients with hematological diseases at Herlev Hospital

A. W. Knudsen et al.

Nutrition Impact Symptoms (NIS) in patients with head and neck cancer refereed to a clinical dietitian

G. T. Mathieu et al.

Diet and Gut Microbiome Diversity for Multiple Sclerosis Patients - results from a cross-sectional case-control study with 125 participants

K. K. Mikkelsen et al.

Clinical dietician as a part of the interdisciplinary team at a hospital ward

S. L. Mikkelsen et al.

More2eat: nutritional risk, protein- and energy intake in hospitalized patients

S. B. Seirup et al.

Effect of individually-tailored dietary guidance on energy intake in subjects with
dysphagia - a randomized controlled trial