Danske bidrag til ESPEN 2022 kongressen.
Vi har her på siden samlet de danske posters/abstracts, som giver et indblik i den ernæringsforskning, der bliver gennemført rundt om i landet.
Danske posters/abstracts:
Forfatter | Titel | Poster |
C. V. Andersen et al. | Catheter related venous thrombosis in intestinal failure. A 5 year retrospective cohort study | |
A. M. Beck et al. | Nutritional risk and nutritional interventions | |
M. G. P. Edwards et al. | Diet induced ketosis in brain injured adult patients in the subacute phase is feasible | |
E. Engelstrup et al. | Observational (feasibility) study of nutritional problems in lung, pancreatic and colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy | |
L. Geisler et al. | Nutritional intervention makes strong COPD rehabilitation patients | |
S. M. Hansen et al. | Nutritional gap when transferring from the ICU to regular wards – a retrospective, cross-sectional study | |
A. W. Knudsen et al. | Age, BMI, nutritional risk and nutrition impact symptoms are related to 2-months mortality in patients with hematological diseases at Herlev Hospital | |
A. W. Knudsen et al. | Nutrition Impact Symptoms (NIS) in patients with head and neck cancer refereed to a clinical dietitian | |
G. T. Mathieu et al. | Diet and Gut Microbiome Diversity for Multiple Sclerosis Patients - results from a cross-sectional case-control study with 125 participants | |
K. K. Mikkelsen et al. | Clinical dietician as a part of the interdisciplinary team at a hospital ward | |
S. L. Mikkelsen et al. | More2eat: nutritional risk, protein- and energy intake in hospitalized patients | |
S. B. Seirup et al. | Effect of individually-tailored dietary guidance on energy intake in subjects with |